I recently came upon a recipe for Panjeon or Korean Pancake. Since I now can experiment as much as I like since I will be on my own for the next 6 months I decided that this will be experiment number 1.

Although I did make the not so serious mistake of not letting the batter rest for at least 30 minutes before frying it. But in my defense, I did try this recipe at around 12 midnight, so yeah I was hungry and so was my dog....can't spare another 30 minutes for the batter to do what it wants to do during that *rest* time.
another pic

Although it's supposed to be on the crispy side, this ended looking like your regular pancake. This taste good (a lot better than it actually looks) and the accompanying dip adds to the taste too (and I also found out that the dip makes an excellent partner to fried tofu too!)