Sunday, September 23, 2007

I am now torn between buying myself a new laptop (I don't mind if it's low end) and a new digicam OR paying my damn credit cards and using it (again!!!when the hell do I get out of this DAMN CREDIT CARD DEBTS) to buy my grandma a small mini refrigerator. Sure she could live without one, but it would be so much convenient for her (and for us when we go to her home to visit) if she has one. Besides it would surely make her happy, even if she will deny it to death.

Shall I be a good grandaughter and buy her one or should act the selfish and self centered person and let my parents figure out where to find the money to buy her one. WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Why can't I act ;ike a selfish brat just this once?

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