Monday, June 4, 2007

Forum post 2

Another one of my crazy moment!!!!

Ze person below me, sometimes have a two way conversation with themselves inside their head.


Me: What in the world are you thinking when you wrote that?
Myself: What's wrong with what I wrote?
Me: Aren't you afraid he might come in this site out of curiosity and read what you wrote?
Myself: So what! He probably have seen worst!
Me: You honestly think he won't find out do you?
Myself: Honestly I did nothing wring in doing that, I've seen people planning on Kidnapping the other members....
Me: Well, you did that too...or have you forgotten....
Myself: I did?
Me: In Soompi!!!
Myself: Oh....that was just a plan...we haven't gotten around to the actual planning yet....
Me: Sometimes your scary.....
Myself: No I'm not I'm a perfectly sane and harmless person
Me: what exactly are you going to write next?
Myself:....I already have the "kiss"..... ....what do you think is next?
Me: Woman don't you have any pride.......don't tell me a LEMON FIC?
Myself: Who said anything about a lemon fic? I was thinking in the lines of a dinner by candlelight and a romantic proposal...but a lemon fic... .......but that's a good idea....


vina said...

LMAO!!!! Rolling all over the floor!! I loved this when you posted it in the biz and still get the biggest laugh out of it!! HEHEHEHE!!
I'm getting all my reading and comments done. And re-reading this is PURE JOY!!!! Me loves you woman this makes for good fanfics!!
God, I can just imagine the LEMONS!!
Das RIGHT!! L-E-M-O-N-S!! That's a big fat "S". GO FOR IT!! LOL

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